What in the World!

***I’ve thought long and hard about posting this blog given all the turmoil going on in the world at this moment. My words feel so insignificant right now and what could I possibly say that you haven’t already heard? All I know is that we need to treat EVERY SINGLE PERSON with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, religion or sexuality. It’s hard to do that sometimes especially with our preconceived notions about how a person should look or act or whatever! We must overcome that, however. It’s truly the only way we can progress in today’s world. Back in the day whenever someone was misbehaving my lovely Aunt Bertha would say “Be sensible!” Now is the time to do just that: BE SENSIBLE. BE KIND. BE COMPASSIONATE. BE GOOD.***

Ok, it’s time for me to step down from the soapbox and move on to my next reason for being here, sharing snaps!

We are still stuck in the middle of the pandemic but things are looking much better since my last post back in March. At that time we were just at the beginning of the crisis with a lot of unknowns and uncertainties. Thankfully we can say today that with hard work and lots of sacrifices we see that light at the end of the tunnel and we are running full steam towards it. Things are starting to get back to normal, or should I say a new normal because it may be a long while before things can return to what it once was. So, here are a few thoughts and pictures of what our new normal is like!


So, I got myself a mask. It’s comfortable and honestly not that bad to wear. My own personal health reasons keep me from going out and mingling with the crowds but I need one just in case. I feel like that missus in the traditional Newfoundland song “Wave Over Wave” …”But, sure, where am I gonna wear it? I suppose, now, I’ll put it on when I go out in the garden diggin’ a few turnips or makin’ a bit of soap outta lye.” Every time I put on the mask that song goes through my mind.

Right now John is the person in the household to pick up groceries. We’ve gotten into a habit of creating a menu once a week and making a list based on that so we cut down on the number of times he needs to go the store. That being said, it doesn’t always go as I imagined or hoped. I’ll have snacks or treats on the list leaving it up to John what to select. Fig Newtons, Peanut Butter Pirate cookies and Nutrigrain Bars are not what I had in mind. I know what you’re thinking, I should be grateful that he does all the shopping right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m eternally grateful that he’s taking one for the team but I am also eternally grateful for the bounty that has been bestowed upon us from the family bakers who never forget to bring us treats, as well as some of my own creations as well! When the pandemic is over we will need a crane from Simms Garage to lift us out of the house.

Thankfully the weather is starting to take a turn for the better so it makes our social visits that much more pleasant!

Driving around town the streets are often pretty empty. Very sad to see so many businesses suffering. It’s never been more important right now to support local.

Everywhere you look there are messages of hope and encouragement!

I know some days feel like they drag on forever but there are many things you can do to pass the time! Campfires, game nights, star gazing, waiting in line ups at Kent and the Liquor Express, making face masks out of socks, playing silly games with your pets and Face Time are just a few!

COVID haircuts are all the rage these days. A pair of clippers and an old shower curtain and voila! My bathroom turned into a salon. Thank goodness the salons have reopened because unless you wanted a buzz cut there’s not much I can do for ya!

One thing that certainly hasn’t changed is the beauty that surrounds us here on this rock. No matter what else is raging on in the world all you need to do is step outside your door and for just a minute or two enjoy nature. I promise it will do wonders for the soul.

Well, this is how I saw the world over these last few months. On that note, I hope you’ve enjoyed my pictures and laid your worries aside if only for a few minutes. I’ll leave you with this picture Charlotte created first when the pandemic started. It’s based on a cartoon series she created called “The Gecko Family”, a very poignant picture and just as relevant today.

Until Next Time,



  1. Awesome job. Always enjoy your posts. The pictures are amazing with words from the heart. Stay safe. XO

  2. You certainly captured the essence of the pandemic in NL, the masks, the food, the social distancing, the empty streets and parking lots, the COVID haircuts, and not a toilet paper roll in sight! You also showed us the beauty of the nature that still surrounds us despite all of this craziness. Wonderful as usual Andrea!

  3. Love your pictures Andrea and the story they tell. Kinda like reading a good book that you can’t put down.

  4. well Andrea your pics are beautiful and its nice to see all my once upon a time neighbors….I still memember the first pics you took with your new canon camera,it was a bluejay in John’s mom yard it was beautiful and they have been beautiful ever since! Keep on taking them “snaps”! Gloria

  5. Beautiful as usual , Andrea ! It was so nice to see the world through your eyes . It has been a rough few months for a lot of people but your blog is so calming and beautiful with all your awesome photos . Keep on blogging !!

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