Little Boats of Newfoundland

Too Good Arm, Dildo, Lushes Bight, Nameless Cove, Tickle Harbour, Ivanhoe, Hibbs Hole, Random Passage, Come By Chance, Herring Neck, Woody Island, Swift Current, Goose Cove, Plum Point, Wild Bight, Blow Me Down, Muddy Hole – what do these names have in common? No, they’re not titles of erotic novels or a series of Jackie Collins books. Rather they are the place names of the many communities and towns that dot our coastlines and lie within the interior of Newfoundland & Labrador! Although if anyone was going to write one of those risqué novels about the rock maybe they could call it Fifty Shades of Bay. Just as colourful as these place names are the little boats and fishing stages that are peppered throughout these communities. This past summer we had the opportunity to visit some of these places and I dare say I managed to get a snap or two! As always, don’t forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

If you managed to get this far thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. When it came time to give it a name, the song “Little Boats of Newfoundland” by Roy Payne was going through my head as I was scrolling through the snaps, hence the title.

“Brave men, she said, is what they are, those who face the icy wind
Never knowing as they leave their sheltered cove that they may never come back again.”

Until Next Time,



  1. Makes me wonder why I didn’t take more road trips last summer! Next summer👌
    Your pictures are always so beautiful. I love the water and any one of these would make a beautiful print.

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